Palera1n iOS 17.7.2 / 17.7.1 / 17.7 Jailbreak Process
If you have any older devices iOS 17.7.2 / 17.7.1 / 17.7 ,upgrade to the latest to enjoy the latest iOS features along with the jailbreak features. If you running latest versions, find the related pages from below.
If you are familiar with PC, then you can download our Palera1n PC tool to install Sileo.
Palera1n online tool support getting Sileo for your 17.7.2 / iOS 17.7.1 / 17.7 running iPhone or iPad. Download the Palera1n online and PC tools from the below.
Steps before install Palera1n Tool
Please focus on below requirements before continue the process.
- Your iPhone or iPad should be running iOS 17.7.2 / 17.7.1 or 17.7 - If not upgrade to 17.7.2 / 17.7.1 or 17.7.
- Backup the device data, You can use iCloud Backup or iTunes backup. (For PC users)
- Your Internet connection should be stable.
- Choose Safari as your default browser.
- PC tool requires USB / USB-C cable.
Download Palera1n Online
The Palera1n Online jailbreak is the fastest and safest method to get the Sileo package manager for your device. Download the Palera1n online tool from the below and follow up the step guide.
Palera1n online can only be downloaded from 3rd party app stores such as zJailbreak, Pangu8 , Xookz and Sileem store.
Also you can download Palera1n app from repo extractors like Sileem repo extractor, Irolyn repo extractor. Please note that Palera1n online app cannot be downloaded directly to your device without using above mentioned App stores or iOS repo extractions.
For iOS 17.7 jailbreak, we recommended to download Palera1n from zJailbreak app store.
Guide - Online ( Without PC - Windows / macOS )
- Step 1 Click the download button above to install the Palera1n online jailbreak tool and complete the installation process. ( settings -> Genaral -> VPN & Device Management and complete the installation.)
- Step 2 Go to the home page and you can see two new apps called,
- Palera1n IPSW App
- Terminal App
- Step 3 Launch the Palera1n IPSW app and find your iPhone model. Make sure to select and copy the correct IPSW file for your iPhone or iPad model.
- Step 4 Now, open the Terminal app, paste your IPSW key, and tap "Done.". This process will take some time, so wait for it to complete and DO NOT DO ANYTHING during this stage.
- Step 5 After the process, the app will provide download link to download Palera1n tool. Download the tool and navigate to the settings and complate the installation process.
- Step 6 Open the Palera1n online jailbreak app and start the jailbreak process to install the Sileo package manager.

Palera1n 2.0.2 - iOS 17.7.1 / 17.7 Jailbreak Process - PC Guide
Palera1n 2.0.2 PC version ( Windows and macOS ) supports iPad OS 17.7.1 / 17.7 jailbreak. But the Palera1n PC method is still not available for the iOS 17.7.1 / 17.7 jailbreak. If you have an iPadOS 7 device,then you can use the Palera1n PC tool to get sileo.
Download the Palera1n PC tool from the below and go through the steps guides.
Why is the Palera1n Online tool so special for iOS 17.7.2 / 17.7.1 / 17.7?
- Palera1n is an online support tool, eliminating the need for Windows or macOS.
- Palera1n provides support for the Sileo package manager. Since Cydia is already outdated, there's no point in using it.
- The Palera1n tool is not based on IPA, meaning you can install it online without any need for Trollstore/AltStore sideloading processes.
- While most online tools are only functional for 7 days after installation due to revokes, the Palera1n tool can be used without any 7-day ( revoke ) limitations.
- While the Palera1n macOS/C methods may be difficult to use, the online method is incredibly user-friendly. Even if you're using the tool for the first time, it's easy to navigate.
- Palera1n is compatible with every iPhone and iPad, not limited to the A8 to A11 device category.
- There are no warranty issues with the Palera1n tool as it complies with Apple's rules and regulations. You can easily claim an Apple warranty without any concerns.
- Uninstalling the Palera1n online tool is simple and can be done in just a few steps, without the need for any restoration process.
What is the best for iOS 17.7.2 / 17.7.1 / 17.7? Zebra or Sileo

The Palera1n tool comes with Zebra and Sileo as default package managers. You have the option to install them individually or together.
Compared to Sileo, Zebra has a limited selection of apps and tweaks.
Sileo serves as a speedy alternative to Cydia, which is now outdated, with its creator, Saurik, having left the jailbreak community.
You have the freedom to choose any app manager according to your preferences.
MisakaX as Palera1n Jailbreak Alternative
The Misaka team released MisakaX for iOS 17 to iOS 18.1 beta 3, as well as for Windows and macOS users. This is a limited customization tool that works with TrollRestore. With MisakaX, you can get Dynamic Island, Charge Limit, Boot Chime, Stage Manager, Shutter Sound, Always On Display (for iOS 18.0+), Apple Pencil support, Action Button customization, and Clock UI enhancements
However, the MisakaX process is not easy, nor is it an online jailbreak method, and it requires some knowledge of Python. It is more challenging than the Palera1n online tool. On the other hand, you cannot get unlimited customization access like with Sileo.
Palera1n Online Jailbreak alternatives

iOS 17 and higher version supports jailbreak sollution. After the process you are able to get a sileo package manager.
Unc0cer black

Unc0ver Black Edition supports the latest iOS versions. You can install Cydia Black from the unc0ver Black edition.
Xina A15

Xina jailbreak is a online jailbreak method, support for iOS 15 to iOS 15.1.1 A12 to A15 devicess.
Checkra1n Mirror

Another possible alternative for Palera1n jailbreak. Cydia is the default package manager for checkra1n Mirror.
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